Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Something Old...

This year, the tree arrived later than usual. As the U-cut tree farms are only open on weekends and tree cutting is really not a night activity...our options are limited by my husband's schedule. So all we had was the past Saturday.    I brought this tradition with me from childhood and I couldn't imagine it any other way....

 We all Pose

We take only about 100 pictures until someone complains that it is way to cold!

 We all saw a little to make it ours...but this year nobody wants to do it more than 10 seconds so I saw through...wow I thought I just ran a marathon but I am out of breath in 2 minutes!

I am curious to know what traditions others feel they must bring into the relationship of their sig other....some things like tinsel are a deal breaker for me, but my husband keeps pushing for it...we've gone with silver tinsely garland (which I do Not like either but I concede to him).  One tradition that I am so happy to have adopted is the Christmas Eve 7 Fishes!  And the endless dessert and oh just the emphasis on awesome food and plenty of it :) Did I mention Lasagna on Christmas?  I hope there are a ton of leftovers!

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