Thursday, June 30, 2011

Question #2-Why are all my zucchinni's rotting before they get big?

Last year my enemies took down the corn this year.  Decided that this year I would concentrate on why zucchini and squash never survive in my garden.  So first I planted a hood around the root...internet says pretty white butterflies lay their eggs at root and the resulting baby (aka disgusting worm-like beast) eat from the inside and zucchini for us!!! I told the kids they were allowed to target the white butterfly with a tennis racquet as long as the death was torture. Ok problem solved...or so I thought.  Now my squash and zuchs are rotting on the vine.

 Why is this gardening stuff so frickin picky.  Can I get a subsidy already.  I spend more in preventitives and additives then I get in saving from growing the dang stuff. 
I'm getting to the answer BTW...My plants it seems have a calcium deficiency.  Not enough milk?
Solution...add lime or egg shells depending on size of garden . 
In the case of lime...Calcium Oxide is what is recommended for immediate results but should be used with caution as it could result in the burning of the plant if too much is used.  To raise the PH of the soil in the long term Calcium Carbonate. 
If using Egg Shells...finely crush and dig around plants to 2 inches. 
Results to follow!

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